Hydroelectric Power Plant, Premel

Hydropower in Europe: Status and Trends for 2022

Hydropower in Europe: Status and Trends for 2022

The renewable energy sector is growing at an unprecedented pace. Hydropower is one of Europe's most important renewable energy sources. Today, we'll examine European hydropower development trends and potential market size. Furthermore, we provide insights into key technology and market drivers affecting the sector. Read on to know more.


Hydropower Trends for 2022 in Europe

The European Union (EU) is one of the most popular regions in the world for hydropower development. The EU has a long history of hydroelectric power generation and remains one of the most potent markets for this technology. The market has seen the advantages and disadvantages of hydroelectric power plants.


It is expected that there will be over 1200 GW of new hydropower, emergency power capacity in Europe by the end of this year. This figure represents a considerable amount of all new hydroelectric capacity expected worldwide.


The EU's current energy mix includes coal, nuclear power plants and other renewable sources such as wind and solar power. Hydropower makes up a large chunk of the total electricity generated in Europe today. This trend of technological successes will continue as we move towards 2023.


One of the disadvantages of hydroelectric power plants is they are often associated with environmental concerns due to their water-based cooling systems (which require large amounts of freshwater). However, one of the advantages of hydroelectric power plants is they become more efficient over time. We now provide an environmentally friendly alternative to fossil fuels like coal or natural gas during peak demand times through management services engineering industries.


New Developments for Hydropower Industry in Europe for 2022

The European hydropower industry is in a state of flux. New developments such as implementing smart meters and demand-side resources (DSR) help power emergency power systems. While it is still too early to say whether these developments will revolutionize the industry, they can provide a glimpse into the future.


Smart Meters: Smart meters are already beginning to appear in some areas of Europe. They are expected to be more widely implemented to help with power plant automation over the next few years. These meters allow industrial automation and track energy usage and identify areas where energy is wasted. This can help utilities reduce costs by identifying where customers are using too much power or wasting it. It can direct them toward lower-wasted areas for conservation or other measures.


Smart Meter



Demand Side Resources: DSR is a new form of energy generation. It has received significant attention from utilities and governments alike. It helps meet electricity demands from intermittent sources like solar and wind power without building new infrastructure (such as hydroelectric dams). DSR systems rely on excess renewable energy from these sources when there is insufficient demand for conventional electricity sources like coal or natural gas.


Investment in Hydropower in Europe

Europe has a long history of hydropower development, but the past few years have seen a surge in investment. The European Union has signed over $36 billion contracts for new hydropower projects in the past year alone.


The main drivers behind this growth are climate change policies and energy security, which have led to a need for more renewable power sources. The problem with existing hydro mechanical systems design is that they are expensive to operate and maintain, so they're not a good solution for most countries looking to increase their use of renewables. But newer technologies like solar panels have made them more viable options - and some countries have even started investing in wind turbines instead of dams. This helps with better industrial service and maintenance.


Investment in Hydropower in Europe


Hydropower is particularly important in Europe because it's one of its only renewable energy sources. It can provide up to 80% of Europe's electricity needs and reduce carbon emissions by more than half compared with coal plants (also being phased out).


Forecast of Installed Hydropower in Europe

Europe is experiencing a hydropower boom as more developed countries look for renewable energy sources. The continent currently has an installed capacity of 230 GW, but this figure is expected to reach 750 TWh by the end of the year.


The European Commission has set a target of reaching 65% of electricity generation from renewable sources by 2030. As a result, the country is investing heavily in hydro mechanical systems delivery.


Forecast of Installed Hydropower in Europe



Premel is one of the top general electromechanical equipment suppliers in Europe and specializes in constructing hydroelectric power plants. Premel has been an industrial equipment supplier for over 75 years and has built hundreds of power plants for clients worldwide, meeting international ISO 9001 standards.


The global reach of Premel is expanding in Europe, with highly-trained engineers and technicians that follow the best quality policies that Premel has in place. Whether you're a small business looking to install a hydroelectric unit on your property, or a country with growing energy demands who wants to expand your current infrastructure, Premel is here to help.



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